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Tečaj: “Transmission Electron Microscopy in Life Sciences” u Pragu

08. studenoga 2023.

Dragi mikroskopičari,

prosljeđujemo informaciju o tečaju koji će se održati u Pragu:

The Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech-BioImaging research infrastructure organize a regular practical course on transmission electron microscopy in life sciences, to which we would like to invite also members of your community.

Short introduction of the course:
*Course “Transmission Electron Microscopy in Life Sciences”*
Monday, 20 November 2023 – Friday, 24 November 2023
Prague (Czech Republic)

The course is aimed at beginners and intermediate users of transmission electron microscopes. The course is organized by the Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR and Czech-BioImaging research infrastructure in collaboration with Jeol and Leica companies. After the course, participants will understand the principles of construction and function of transmission electron microscopes and will receive the extensive practice during hands-on sessions on transmission electron microscopes of varying complexity. Overview of sample preparation methods with demo, and demonstration of cryoTEM method is a part of the course, as well.

Course webpages: https://course.img.cas.cz/tem/